Sharon Bulova

how Sharon the money and she'll stop paying the cops
Fairfac County Cops are idiots recently had to pay Sharon Bulova for an interview on wasting taxpayers money to help he political career:
FCAI: Don't you think it's a waste of money to form a police squad to work on the silver line when the Metro Police already have a police force to do that?
Sharon Showmethemoney: Show me the money.
FCAI: But can't use that money to decrease traffic congestion with more roads, lessen the cost of the toll road or pay our teachers a little bit more than we do?
Sharon Showmethemoney: Show me the money.
FCAI: Before you reward the cops with a larger force shouldn't you solve the murders they committed over the past couple of years? Make that information public? Do something to decrease the insanely large budget we already pay the cops? Reduce the extensive overhead in the police department?
Sharon Showmethemoney: Show me the money.
FCAI: All right this is going no where...........
Sharon Showmethemoney: Show me the money.
FOIA Request On Effectiveness Of License Plate Readers Greeted With A Blank Stare By Virginia Police Department
from the
I'm-not-familiar-with-the-sort-of-thing-you're-asking-for dept
Law enforcement agencies are
generally pretty happy with their automatic license plate readers. It allows
them to harvest millions of plate/location records without having to exit their
vehicles, much less slow them down. It also allows them to spring from their
cruisers with guns out and force non-car thieves into submissive positions
while they perform the sort of due diligence that should have been completed
long before the cops/guns exited their respective holders.
What they don't seem to like is
anyone asking questions about the massive databases they're compiling or
whether they've bothered to institute any minimization/privacy policies. When
questioned, they usually talk about what a great tool it is for crime-fighting,
even if said tool contains millions of useless photos entirely unrelated to
criminal activity. Some even claim that every single photo in the database is
integral to ongoing investigations and therefore cannot be subjected to
minimization procedures, much less the pesky FOIA requests of surveilled
And sometimes, these agencies
are so sure they like the tech that they can't even be bothered to determine
whether it's actually doing anything to assist in the business of law
enforcement. Stephen Gutowski at the Capitol City Project recently asked the
Fairfax County, VA police about the effectiveness of its license plate photo
database and got this 'FILE NOT FOUND' statement in response.
This letter is in response to
your FOIA request in which you requested the number of ALPR records Fairfax
County currently has on file. This number is constantly fluctuating, but as of
05/20/2014 at 1003 hours there were 2,731,429 reads in the system.
You further requested any
available metric the county uses to determine the system's effectiveness. It
was found that the Fairfax County Police Department does not possess any such
responsive materials based on the information you requested.
The assumption here is that the
system works. The Fairfax County PD occasionally posts arrests linked to ALPR
database hits and… well, beyond that, the PD draws a blank. Presumably a
handful of arrests justifies a multi-million image-and-location photo database.
But this lack of self-assessment shouldn't be acceptable, not for an agency
that has abused its technology in the past.
It came to light late last year
that the Fairfax PD trolled political rallies to grab more plate data, racking
up nearly 70,000 photos in five days. This abuse prompted a local lawmaker to
push legislation aimed at severely limiting, if not completely eradicating,
ALPR readers in his district. Not a bad idea, as far it goes.
Virginia law enforcement
agencies aren't going to be happy with this move and they'll be able to
mobilize a pretty powerful opposition. But these are the same entities that
tried to bury info on plate readers back in 2009, simply because they felt the
public might try to get the system shut down if they knew what was going on.
But the lack of controls or any gauge of the system's effectiveness shouldn't
be allowed to escape unnoticed, because the failure to monitor error rates and
hits can result in catastrophic consequences for citizens whose plates trigger
false hits -- something this system does at twice the rate of recoveries.
The license plate readers
demonstrated a high error rate. Four ALPR vehicles used in Fairfax County over
the course of five nights in February 2009 scanned 69,281 vehicles. The camera
database produced twelve bogus hits and recovered four stolen vehicles, for a
recovery rate of 0.6 percent and an error rate of 1.7 percent.
The technology can be used
responsibly, but law enforcement agencies with tough minimization policies are
almost nonexistent. And as we've seen twice in the last month alone, officers
relying on faulty data aren't making an effort to verify database hits before
attempting to effect arrests. Someone's going to be hurt or killed because of
bad data, and hardly anyone in law enforcement seems to be concerned. If they
did, strict policies on verification and disposal of non-hit data would be the
rule, rather than the exception.
Show me the money and watch things happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi I'm Sharon "Show me the money" Bulova and I took campaign money from law enforcement PACS.
You know what the cop just got?
(Aside from a budget of almost $400,000,000)
A $14 million expansion of the
Fair Oaks Public Safety Center…that’s what we call police stations so you won’t
think it’s a police station. We gave the cops training rooms, a new kitchen, two interview rooms with a
window for observers to watch without being seen…its called an interrogation
room……new equipment such as cameras with state-of-the art capabilities
to zoom in, a room for officers to write reports with crayons, an expanded roll
call room, an area for officers to work out, and picnic tables on the roof.
There is also a “sallyport”—an area for officers to park their cars, lock their
guns away and then take prisoners into a secure area.
the renovation of the building we gave the cops 16,400 square feet and the
firemen1,900 square feet and when the fire boys start manking camapign
contributions the right way, they’ll get more room.
“The 10-day games, beginning
June 26, 2015, are expected to attract in excess of 30,000 visitors and
generate between $80 and $100 million of economic activity to the D.C. region.”
The board of supervisors recently
approved $2 million in funding for the games, supplementing its prior funding
and in-kind contributions. “Fairfax County has pledged $3 million to host and
sponsor the games,” said Bulova. “With several more million in staffing and
public safety to come.”
$3,350,000 a day?
Sharon: We're willing to show you the money just like the cops
So the Fairfax County Police, 90% live outside the county, want a raise to spend away from Fairfax County
We believe you should allow the people of Fairfax County a chance to match their offer.
I'll bet you never thought of doing this; small contributions spaced out over the term of office, sent in from outside the county from women, and only women, whose names don't appear anywhere else -no where, no voting rolls, no address, no other contributions, nothing.....Think that might work?
Fairfax County Police Museum: The fairfax County Police have gotten away with no...
Fairfax County Police Museum: The fairfax County Police have gotten away with no...: 220 days How long would the let you not answer for a homicide?
Fairfax County Police Museum: The fairfax County Police have gotten away with no...
Fairfax County Police Museum: The fairfax County Police have gotten away with no...: 220 days How long would the let you not answer for a homicide?
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